Rotaserv and Loughborough links

Goto: Rotaserv chartered clubs Rotaserv interest groups Rotary & Rotaract Loughborough

Rotaserv chartered clubs

A chartered Rotaserv club has been officially recognised by Rotary and has at least 15 members. Goto: Rotaserv chartered clubs Rotaserv interest groups Rotary & Rotaract Loughborough

Rotaserv interest groups

An interest group is in the process of forming. Goto: Rotaserv chartered clubs Rotaserv interest groups Rotary & Rotaract Loughborough

Rotary & Rotaract links

Goto: Rotaserv chartered clubs Rotaserv interest groups Rotary & Rotaract Loughborough

Loughborough links

Goto: Rotaserv chartered clubs Rotaserv interest groups Rotary & Rotaract Loughborough

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This page was last updated on Tuesday 28th September 1999. All information is believed to be correct as of this date.